Hello - we are a boutique SEO Agency in Edinburgh

We help smart SMEs to improve their online visibility, traffic and sales

We are based in Edinburgh and work remotely with a broad range of clients across Scotland & the UK.

We mainly work with SMEs but have also helped large clients such as Mazars and Arsenal FC with their SEO. They trust us - and you can too.

Get in touch to discuss growing your website traffic & sales.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO issues on your website can seriously impact your search traffic.

We have worked on large websites for well known brands such as Arsenal FC, Nandos, Lloyds Bank, National Galleries of Scotland.

We have deep Technical SEO expertise and can audit your site to identify technical issues, prioritise them, and advise on how to fix them. We will work directly with your web developers to resolve technical issues if required.

SEO Strategy

An SEO Strategy is essential for increasing traffic to your website.

We use Competitor Analysis and Keyword Research tools to identify your growth opportunities and create a growth strategy for your business. We advise on which keywords you should be targeting, and how and where to use them across your website.

We can write website content for you or work with your in-house team to help plan and write content that will help grow your search traffic and conversions.

Content Strategy & Marketing

Understanding your audiences and the content they are searching for is the key to improving the quality of your website leads and conversions.

We use professional Audience Research and Content Research tools to discover where your audience spends time online, and the types of content they are searching for.

We use that data to create a bespoke Content Strategy for your business. We also provide a done-for-you SEO content writing service.

SEO & Content Marketing Clients Include

  • Mazars
  • Built Environment - Smarter Transformation Scotland
  • Samba Digital
  • The Writer
  • Tangent Graphic
  • Bryant and Cairns
  • Function and Form
  • Sports Translate
  • Neidpath Castle
  • Graphical House
  • Todd & Duncan Cashmere Accessories
  • Coldwells Build
  • Cool Planet
  • Angus and Mack
  • Aosdana Jewellery